
Latest Safety Tips          Get Ready for Spring Tips


Welcome to Fox River Hog’s safety page.  Where your safety always comes first.

New to group riding? Don’t worry!  This group will have you riding amongst us safely in no time.  If you are a new rider or just not ridden in a group before, let a Road Captain or the Safety Officer - Mike Kaufman know before the ride.  We can talk about it before the ride leaves, answer any questions you have, address any concerns you have, and help you be safe during the ride. If you are a regular group rider and you find you have questions about group riding, be sure to find a Road Captain or the Safety Officer and ask away.  Your safety is our primary concern! Here are a few tips for group riding you can read through before coming to the ride and they are always great refreshers every spring.

Click here for link to MSF Group Riding Guide

MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) has a plethora of information at your fingertips.  They offer rider courses for every rider in every stage of riding experience. But wait! There’s more! Not only do they offer riding courses, but they have video series on safe riding as well that are fun to watch. You can check it all out here on their website and YouTube page!

Motorcycle Safety Foundation Home Page (

Motorcycle Safety Foundation - YouTube

Going on a trip and need to find out if you will be needing to pack that helmet?  Just click here for the latest up to date info from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Motorcycle helmet laws by state (

Let’s talk helmets!  While Illinois remains one of the last standing states that does not require a rider to wear a helmet; when you travel, you will most likely find yourself in or going through a state that requires you have one.  So how do you know the one you want top buy is a safe one?  Check its certification! You do not know anything about certifications? That is all these guys do!  The Snell Foundation does just that. You can learn more and find out all about what Snell does here on their website.

Snell helmets certification - Snell advantage (

You've all heard about "T-CLOCKS", right? Click the link below for all the details on this easy to use and remember pre-ride inspection.

T-CLOCS Checklist

If you have questions, suggestions, concerns or comments regarding safety items or safety of our rides, please reach out any Road Captain or the Safety Officer at a ride or you can email me at